Friday, April 4, 2008

Base Block Subtraction

Base Block Subtraction is an activity that can be used with students on their own computer as individuals or as a group working together to solve the problems on a smartboard. This activity can be used with the grade 3 math curriculum to emphasize addition and subtracting that requires carrying and borrowing. The neat thing about this activity is that students can explore addition and subtraction using manuiplatives without the temptation of playing with them in a use other than that of mathmatics. Also unlike base 10 blocks students can trade in the virtual blocks and they automatically split apart into ones. The separation of larger blocks into ones or tens will help students to visualize the steps that need to be taken in order to solve the problem.

home site

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mission Nutrition

A great activity that i would use with my students to meet the needs of the grade 4 health curriculum is called Mission Nutrition here students have to search the kitchen to find foodsw that qualify as healthy choices. Foods that are selected are either deemed as correct choices or poor choices. Each selection provides information as to why or why not the food is a healthy choice. Students will benifit from this site because it helps to increase their awareness of the effect food choices has on their health and body image. The activity provides knowledge in a fun way to grab the attention of even the most resistant students.


One size doesn't fit all. MyPyramid offers personalized eating plans, interactive tools to help you plan and assess your food choices, and advice to help you:

Make smart choices from every food group.

Find your balance between food and physical activity.

Get the most nutrition out of your calories.

Stay within your daily calorie needs.
MyPyramid food plans are designed for the general public ages 2 and over; they are not therapeutic diets. Those with a specific health condition should consult with a health care provider for a dietary plan that is right for them.

To meet the objectives of the grade 5 health curriculum my students would have the opportunity to explore the activities on the Mypyramid website. Here students will be able to create a menue and enter information to access their level of fitness. once students are familiar with food choices and have created their Mypyramid menu they can begin the MyPyramid Blast Off Game. This is an interactive computer game where kids can reach Planet Power by fueling their rocket with food and physical activity. “Fuel” tanks for each food group help students keep track of how their choices fit into MyPyramid.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Science Grade 3-5

This web site Mass and Weight would work great in the Grade 2 science curriculum for the topic on matter. Before we used this site I would have the students answer the question on the following quiz to spark their interest and understanding. After the quiz was complete We would use the SmartBoard as a class to experiment with different weights and masses. This would be a start to the students understanding this topic as they would also have a chance to use a real scale and explore both mediums for learning.

Student Exploration: Weight and Mass

Vocabulary: balance, force, gravity, mass, newton, spring scale, weight

Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)

1. Your weight is the pull of gravity on your body. Suppose you step on a bathroom scale on the Moon. How would your weight on the Moon compare to your weight on Earth?

A. greater on the Moon B. less on the Moon C. same on Earth and the Moon

2. Your mass is the amount of matter, or “stuff,” in your body. How would your mass on the Moon compare to your mass on Earth?

A. greater on the Moon B. less on the Moon C. same on Earth and the Moon

Gizmo Warm-up
On the Weight and Mass Gizmo™, you can use a balance to compare the masses of objects.

1. Place the dog on the right pan of the balance. What happens? _____________________________

2. Place the 5-kilogram (kg) mass on the other pan. Which has more mass, the dog or the 5-kg mass?


3. The 5-kg mass is heavier than the dog, so take it off the pan and place a 1-kg mass on the pan. Add 1-kg masses to the left pan until it goes down. Then take one of the 1-kg masses off the pan so that the masses are above the dog.

4. Use this process of adding and subtracting other masses from the left pan until the two pans are balanced. Add up all the masses on the left pan. This is equal to the mass of the dog.

What is the mass of the dog? _________________________________________________

Smart Board Activity #2

Sentence builder is a great web site that I will use with grade 1 students to help them learn the proper format to use when building sentences. this site offers SmartBoard use and allows students to touch the words that they would like to use in their sentence. after the sentence is constructed the student can touch the run button to see their sentence come to life. This site applies to the Grade 1 Language arts curriculum

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Smart Board Activity

The 'magnetic poetry' board would be a wonderful addition to any language arts program but for this case in particular I would use it with a Grade four class. This site activity offers students a variety of words that can be changed simply by clicking on them and typing the word you want. Students will be able to collaboratively use the SmartBoard to create a poem of any style they choose. Students are able to grab a word and place it anywhere on the page. Using the words provided will teach children to use their resources and be creative. Having words made available will also help students that have difficulty spelling and finding the word they want.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

National Geographic for Kids

In my classroom I would use this site to provide students with fun and educational resources to complete a research project on their animal of choice. National geographic for kids offers facts and activities about many different types of animals that will make exploring and learning fun. Students would have to research to find basic facts about thier animal and create a short bibliography including illustrations.Click on this link to discover what my students will find Getting to know animals. This project and website will fit into the grade 3 language arts curriculum for the bibliography and writing portion as well as the grade 3 science curriculum for the acquired knowledge about animals of the world and endangered and non-endangered alike.