Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Math Fun

This site works on grade 3 math skills after teaching a lesson on addition and subtraction or multiplication/division I would have students work on selected games on this site math fun. Many areas of the grade 3 curriculum could be covered this link to the evergreen curriculum lists the areas that this site can be used to improve. Students could demonstrate or improve their skills in subtraction by trying to race the clock in the subtraction game or become familiar with even and odd numbers in the ghost game. For my lesson in particular I would have a small lesson in the classroom teaching ths students about odd and even numbers and put a couple of practice questions on the board. then we would begin on the computers first with the even number ghost game and then the odd number ghost game. The students have to click on all the even number ghosts until they reach a score of 50. Once achieved they move on to the next level. and then try with the odd number ghosts. the next day in class I would follow up on the odd/even numbers with a brief lesson then students would do selected problems from a math worksheet.

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