Thursday, January 17, 2008

This site is great for any teacher that has to teach phys. ed to their students. I once taught at a elementary school where classroom teachers were responsible for their students phys. ed. lessons. Some of the teachers found it to be very difficult to find new and exciting ways to teach specific skill to their students. When I found this web site I realized how useful it was. As an example I was thinking about a lesson that focused on Locomotor Skills for grade 2 students. This activity called Rabbit Hunt will develop the students' cardiovascular endurance, fitness levels, as well as reinforce the locomotor skill of hopping.To begin this lesson I would have the students play a 2 minute game of tag to warm up then explain the rules to the gamerabbit hunt. This is a greatsite to find activities to do with your students because you can choose any grade level in the search and use the choice boxes to narrow down the information to the specific skill you want to work on. As a substitute teacher I was constantly looking for new ideas for the gym class and I believe that with this site it would be much easier.

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